The Only Controllables You Have

As goaltenders, our performance on the ice often feels like a delicate balancing act between skill, strategy, and sheer determination. In the midst of the chaos, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by factors beyond our control – the speed of the puck, the skill of the opposing team, or even the decisions of the referees. However, amidst this uncertainty, the only controllables you have that remain firmly within your grasp are: your preparation, your attitude, and your effort.

Attitude serves as the cornerstone of mental fortitude, shaping our perception of adversity. Rather than succumbing to negativity, goalies like Marc-Andre Fleury exemplify the power of approaching challenges with a positive outlook. Fleury’s infectious smile on the ice is a testament to his unwavering belief in finding opportunity in pressure-filled moments. By adopting a mindset of gratitude, athletes can transform setbacks into stepping stones for growth and development.

Effort transcends mere physical exertion; it embodies a mindset of relentless commitment to excellence. Tim Notke’s famous quote, “Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard,” underscores the importance of unwavering dedication. Effort, coupled with a productive attitude, propels athletes forward, enabling them to push past their limits and achieve greatness. It’s the fuel that ignites the fire of resilience in the face of adversity.

Preparation rounds out the trio of controllables, offering athletes autonomy over their readiness and confidence. Unlike external variables, preparation is entirely within our sphere of influence. Whether it’s honing skills through training, mental rehearsal, or studying opponents, athletes dictate the depth of their preparation. By prioritizing thorough preparation, athletes equip themselves with the tools necessary to excel, regardless of external circumstances.

The symbiotic relationship between the three controllables provides a framework for navigating the turbulent waters of sports. On days when attitude wavers, effort can serve as a stabilizing force, propelling athletes forward with determination. Likewise, in moments of uncertainty, thorough preparation reinforces athletes’ confidence, ensuring they are poised to seize opportunities as they arise.

First, athletes must understand the importance of recognizing the limited scope of their control in sports. From the skill level of opponents to the decisions of referees, myriad variables can influence the outcome of a game. However, by focusing on the controllables—attitude, effort, and preparation—athletes reclaim agency over their performance and outcomes.

Consider a scenario where a goalie finds themselves facing unexpected challenges during a crucial playoff game. Despite the barrage of external factors beyond their control—nervous teammates, unfavorable calls, and a tough opponent—the goaltender maintains composure by redirecting focus to their controllables. Rather than dwelling on setbacks, they channel their energy into maintaining a positive attitude, giving maximum effort, and leveraging their preparation to adapt to the evolving circumstances.

Through this lens, athletes can transcend the confines of external variables, embodying the essence of mental toughness. By embracing the three controllables, goalies can empower themselves to navigate the unpredictable terrain of sports with resilience and determination. Ultimately, mental toughness is not about controlling external circumstances but mastering the controllables within ourselves—our attitude, effort, and preparation. In doing so, goalies will unlock the power to shape their destiny on and off the ice.

If you’re ready to take your mental game to the next level, consider exploring our comprehensive mental skills training program specifically designed for goalies like you. Our program offers a structured approach to unlocking your true potential and achieving peak performance on the ice.

To jump your mental resilience, claim your FREE Confidence Guide For Goalies by clicking here. Together, let’s elevate your game and unleash your full potential as a goaltender.

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